Introducing Voro
Over the past 12 years we have not only learned to accept change, we’ve embraced it. Change creates opportunity. It signals what’s next.
Today we are announcing an exciting change, Rank Crankers is now Voro.

We wanted a new brand name that was ownable, felt authentic to the company we have evolved into, and could guide us forward. Voro achieves these goals.
Working with the wonderful team at 5IVE, we found inspiration from the Voronoi diagram – an organic pattern found in both nature and technology. Voronoi diagrams are used to understand the world around us and bring clarity to the big picture. If you’re unfamiliar, we’ve found Voronoi diagrams are best explained by this video from a team at Pixar (watch from 0:38 to 2:05):
We will be rolling out the new brand throughout the month of August, starting with our website.